Ashamed Moment Fool me once, shame on you… but fool me twice, shame on me. Isn’t that how the old saying goes? So feeling stupid, foolish, and ashamed is often uncomfortable and makes us wary, self-conscious, cover our faces, and reticent to want to make our voices heard. During my court case, I was pictured on the entrance of the courthouse, which I thought nothing of, until the following day. With my photo on several media, especially evening standards, this prompted several phone calls and visits from friends and family. I felt ashamed, speechless, and suicidal. The very fact that wariness doesn’t usually involve awareness and our fear of encountering another negative experience often leads us to making new situations for the older ones. For example, my faith and hopes in my beliefs stood still. I couldn’t go out or tell anyone how I was feeling due to shame of wondering how my #life got to that stage. I was in limbo, leaving home as early as 6 o’clock to get to court on my own, no one to come with me. Not that there wasn’t anyone to come with me, but because I just can’t face anyone. Now if I had to turn back the clock, I would suggest to anyone other than myself, to encourage themselves to be experiencing and permeating uneasy feeling of déjà vu and realize that it could be the time to show more trust in oneself and another supporter. Using your voice and you will be heard and supported. I missed out on that, just because I was ashamed. But today I understood the point and I’m helping others in the same bracket as I was then. Today, determined and still washing off the effects of shame. ##poetsin #shame

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère