A True Man A true man isn't found when they hold a door open A true man isn't found when they buy you flowers A true man isn't found when they take you on dates And a true man isn't found when they give you holidays. A true man is found in rare moments For instance A true man is found when they believe their sister is the most beautiful person they ever saw, regardless as to how she may actually look. And a true man is found when they go and get you food in your time of need. ------- So, I was remenising (because I can totally do that now I'm 18 -nah, it just feels like I am because these years feel so far away-), and I remembered when this lad (he was 17 at the time -older than me-) used to always say his sister was the most beautiful thing he'll ever lay eyes on. So, this is based off of what he told her everyday without fail, and would gladly tell anybody that he believed she was.
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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