übersetzen   8 Jahre

Eternal Youth TheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyouTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyouTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyouTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyoubutyoucantalwaysjustwakeupTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyouTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyouTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyouTheonlymeismeareyousuretheonlyyouisyou A car passes by. The hard breeze blowing against me is so strong. I can't tell if it's pleasant or not. It's not like I'm the movies. My hair is going crazy and flying everywhere. If I cared about how I looked, I would be embarrassed.... but I only want to watch. Across the streets, on the other side of the sidewalk part of the bridge, I see a lone biker. Not the typical one in those weird spandex shorts and clicking shoes that make you walk like you have shit crawling down your thighs, or pay for their lattes with sweat soaked dollar bills, or think that they are made of adamantium and cars can't hit them so they go against traffic or out of the bike lane, the ones who bike for sport because being a super high paid white man just isn't enough: you have to be that guy can can bypass Prof. Oak's words telling you "there's a time and place for everything." But not all of them are like that....... to your face..... It was obviously a girl because she was in a dress with leggings and a helmet. Something you'd see in a slice of #life anime or a Japanese cartoon right at the end where everything gets really good for her and she turns a corner without looking and the person waiting for her to arrive will continue to wait. A car passes by. While riding, she glances at the horizon as she nears the middle of the Dumbarton bridge, slowing to a stop when she finally gets there and getting off her bike, kicking down the stand and resting her white helmet on the handle. She never notices me; she only notices the water, vast and proud, and only slightly infected with the acne of civilization until you see the other side of it where the buildings are. I expected her to look out my side. It surely looks better here. She just stares, leaning on the railing. She seemed so fixated on something, just as I was fixated at her. I don't normally people watch. I usually try to keep to myself. If I don't see anything, I either won't see it coming in time to panic or I won't have to be a snitch. She turns around. I've been spotted? No, she's taking selfies.... Of course.... Numerous selfies... In the most 'traditional' of poses no less. She wants pictures of herself with the ugly 'poop smelling' part of the bay. How does she keep her hair almost flawlessly flowing with the wind? I'm here struggling trying to watch her.... Another car passes by. She sits on the railing. That's dangerous. More selfies. So many selfies. How many do you need? I barely take pictures of myself so I guess I wouldn't understand... I'm not ashamed of how I look, I just don't see the point... Finally, she's done. Trying her best to keep her hair out of her face, she leans over trying to see the phone. Kind of like when you pop a squat. I hear that's a better position for you rather than using toilets. More praise to the asians who do this on a daily. I don't think my short legs can do it untrained for the amount of time it usually takes me. I always have to go.... at least 9 times even without water.... She leans over and places her phone into the bike's basket and sits back onto the railing. She's smiling. She's been smiling this entire time. Oh. I think this time she actually spotted me. She smiles again, teeth shown but she's too far to see too well. She waves at me. I awkwardly wave back. That's right... This bridge it's weird that barely any cars passed by.... She smiles so wide she looks like her eyes are closed. She slowly leaned back. Another car passes by.... but I can still see that she leaned all the way back. For half a second, I freak out! I quickly see no cars coming and dash over the center railing into the freeway, over the center divide, over the opposite end's center railing, and push myself against the outer railing to see if I can find her. Nothing. Did she seriously do that?! I can't believe it! Was I dreaming?! I skim over the surface... Skimming.... skimming... .... ...... .... No....... I've found her..... I quickly try to take out my phone to call the police. This was real. This really happened. It's not a hallucination.... I can't find my phone..... Wait.... She left her phone in her bike basket! I quickly grab the phone and without thinking, I use the fingerprint ID. That wouldn't work, it's not my phone... What am I thinking....? It opens. The first thing I see is the photo album thumbs... Wait... What...? What is this.......? I click to enlarge.... ..... ..... My head spun, I feel everything distancing, the world is the farthest thing on my mind now.... But I know someone had seen because there's someone running over to see the body below.... ..... .... It's..... Me..... I feel myself float and then.... I wake up....

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