Traduzir   8 anos atrás

How Do I Say I Love You? How do i say i love you to a family member who wont listen? Whos more concerned about going home instead of getting better? Whos hurting and crying themselves to sleep nightly? Ive never felt more alone, more so than ever before. Surgery is hard, but the healing process is truly much harder. Watching that member mentally decline is heartbreaking. Crippling me to the point of mental shutdown. Emotionally i am numb. Number than novacaine in my gums, dulling my feelings to nothing. Until it wears off, and the tears flow like waterfalls down my face like cliffhangers, drowning me in its wake. How do i get strong? How do i gain the strength through hardships like now? Or ever? I could use encouragement now more than ever before. I feel lost, broken, dead inside. I cant feel anything my appetites completely nothing, ive lost weight. Mentally im exhausted every night, suffering until i go home tomorrow, where i can put the distance and im so tired. Very tired. 24/7, 365.

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