ترجم   منذ 8 سنوات

Hatred This will probably be the hardest blog post ive ever written. I came out as gay at 19 years old. Things were fine of course, but not for long. Soon afterwards, a relative had started harboring feelings of pure hatred, and would start beating me for my sexuality, and it cultimated me into attempting suicide. Twice. Once was when i tried drinking axe body spray, twice when i took too many sleeping pills. The hatred wasnt the worst part, it was the flagrant abuse of blind ignorance by my parents. They would yell at me, saying im lying, trying to stir shit up, and basically told me they didnt care at all. I felt so alone, and music was my only escape. It helped ease the scars, both physical and emotional. The worst one, and this is the hardest part, was when they all ganged up on me endlessly, and would never leave me alone. I cried myself to sleep every night, and the stress was literally killing me. Recently i am residing with my abuser for a short time for a family emergency. Things were okay for the first week, but lately the feelings are being stirred up again, and honestly im scared whenever hes in the room. I could really use some encouragement, for i am a complete wreck. Thanks . Night

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