Don't Paint Me Like The Good Guy 'Cause Everytime I Write I Get To Choose The Angle You View Me And Select The Nicest Light No, ladies and gentlemen, This is not the face of a girl who saw a long relationship coming to an end, And when it finally did, She lost the last straw of her sanity Suddenly snapped and found herself crying in the most public place in the most private way, And no, this isn't the face of someone who was shoved into bed With a man she knew for years, His hand gripping the back of her skull Like the hand of God's wrath And no, this isn't the face of someone who had made a conscious decision to love, Knowing the risks And the condom broke, Or a pill was missed No, it isn't that kind of face You see, ladies and gentlemen This is the face of involuntary manslaughter, This is the face of someone who's wept for their self for years on end Selfishly slitting wrists, thighs, Wet warm eyes, This is the face of a killer who grieved with the beloved The police were baffled, But he died of loneliness and a broken heart, Because of me So you see, ladies and gentlemen, I wouldn't mind a long-term relationship turned sour, The betrayal of someone I thought I knew, Violating me, Turning my dreams into relived bedside crime scenes, Or a drunken night, broken condom, missed pill, Because even those have the power to bring forth strength, Or even #life, But no No, ladies and gentlemen, this is the face of the worst of humanity, Someone who has it all, And knows nothing of where it came from, This is the face that killed a man by breaking his heart Now I sit here with stained hands and bitter tears, In a box of isolation, Out of more kindness of a stranger's heart, Selfishly praying for retribution, May I never receive absolution
Lucius Lannister
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