ترجم   منذ 8 سنوات

PROLOGUE To love is to bear twice the cargo, if you are weak, you shall fall and so shall your love. To hold her was to hold gold, the weight a pain, the beauty burning your pupils more than the sun itself, the thought of dropping her making you hate yourself, and the dream of loving her again like she still loves you, a despised perfection, that is what she was, you detested her but felt like she was the most precious person in the world. Casey Amare was once my love, now she is my enemy, but an enemy that I will never defeat because I know I can not, to take her away from our planet would be a crime because (a) I would be charged for murder and (b) it would be robbing the naturalistic, environmental and humanitarian world of its prized possession, its pristine likeness and there foulest, untouched peace of perfection that man and women could lay there visual spectacles upon. What lies ahead is a path, the gateway to my inevitable death at the end, whatever happened to my darling wife on that island I will never know, but the girl who came back was not the girl who left.

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