Traducciones   9 años

playing games "all this is, is a fling" i remind myeself as you grab my waist "all this is, is a fling" i repeat in my head as you hasten to pull your shirt over your muscular back allowing my fingertips to explore the expanse of your chest inhibitions we lack "all this is, is a fling" i feel the words form in my mouth but then your tongue pushes its way in knocking them out your body forces me down onto your bed and covers mine you seek to pull apart my threads "all this is, is a fling" i grapple with the meaning of those words because i constantly seem to forget my heart subverts these FUCKING words in my head your lips are kissing and sucking down my body my skin igniting where you touched you're torturing me both physically and emotionally why can't you fucking stay? why can't you please fucking stay? "all this is, is a fling" i clench my teeth when i remember that there is no future come the spring because you're leaving at the end of december "this is just a fling, Vic" i finally accept it and every time i do, i feel sick but then that feeling is quickly replaced with elation © 14 Oct 2015 Vic Romero (edited and reformatted) <> for more

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