Translate   8 years ago

The Lonely Kitten One day there was a girl called Ellie she was 10 years old she had blond long hair blue eyes and a lovely white and blue Dress she always wearied you coun't take of her she loved it.Ellies dream was to get a kitten she had it all planned out it would be called Alfie it would be white and most of all it would be fluffy and really really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But mum and dad said we didn't have the space intull now.Chapter One Chapter two Sally gets a new house Sally was up in her bedroom then mum called then bray her to the couch and said I'll just say it. We are moving house there for you can have a white fluffy really cute kitten called Alfie. Ho my god I am so going to show him of. Thats anouther thing we're moving to Amirca so new friends new school new unicfoirm new books new everything and most of all the big thing a new really cute kitten remember Alfie

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