Translate   9 years ago

To love They said love is a strong affection It was based on a natural selection But, some also said it's a choice The one that give us joys. There are tons of kinds of love But what I'll talk is the one that I have. It's not only the feeling but the person himself, The guy in the picture I kept in my shelf. When he wasn't yet in my #life, I'm fine. I've experienced 'love', I thought shine I don't care of anything else but just me Well, I just wanted to be young and free. The moment I met him, it all changed Not my #life but I was added with page. It was incredible staring into his eyes The kind of feeling when you're lost and mesmerized I wasn't saying that he changed my #life Actually, I'm still the old me but with a little spice He just taught me something that I long have been questioning And that is to love with unconditional feeling. He's the person who taught me to care To love without boundaries and to share He's the one who taught me to handle #life To never give up even until I die. When I was down, he lifted me up Even though it's sarcastic but it made me stop. He don't have this sugar coated words in advices But the bittersweet reality of what #life is. He's the one who doesn't hug you with his arms Instead with intelligent words and a hand Although he's the one who steal smooch kisses With every beat of his heart and with every pieces. He's the guy that doesn't compliment how you look Instead give overwhelming critiques, that makes you shook However I know this guy loves me the way I am Even if he's not looking, covering his eyes with his palm He is that guy that will always listen To every bit of your drama and all your hard feelings Yet sometimes he usually forgets But that doesn't stop me from telling him, no regrets. I love him no matter what happens He's the only guy I will be keeping Even though sometimes it hurts to be with him too But losing him will be the most painful thing, it's true. You see, if we decide to love, We are prepared to be hurt, with guidance from above No matter how we look at it It's the reality, that's it As for me, I was not really expecting things I just wanted to know what are real feelings And I started to open my eyes, as I fall for this person I just did, without clear reasons. I don't know what makes me love him Maybe because of the things the way it seems Maybe because we're meant to be? Or he's the reason now my heart can see. When I met him, he changed my meaning of love It is not really finding your better half But the feeling of selfless affection And selfless attention It is when you start to care to someone It is when you wanted to help anyone It is when your heart sees the person, And starts to love with no condition. That is why I will forever treasure His love and care with no measure Our infinity that still continues Our shares of heartaches, love, red and blues Because of Him, I didn't only know The meaning of true love and what it does to you But the unconditional and selfless love That is a blessing from up above.

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