Translate   9 years ago

Train Wreck I am the train wreck. I am the passengers that died in the crash. They were all different versions of myself. When I was smiling, laughing beside you. The passenger, oblivious to the fate that lay before her. The passenger that would have been okay with dying like this. With you by her side, trapped in an eternal smile amidst broken bones. I am the passenger that sat alone, by the window, calm. The passenger, that wanted to always remember this moment. Of blue skies and grassy fields. Of loneliness behind eyes reflected in the window. Of the familiar sensation of loss. I am the passenger that wanted to die. The curious child who couldn't stop the thoughts. Who wanted to feel something more than #life could offer. To know what happened after death. Would I find you in the dark? I am the passenger who couldn't stop thinking about crashing, Up till the moment I did. I am the train wreck. But you were the driver.

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