My #life Chapter one "Mum, the lift isn't working." I sighed "I'm coming." Mum said as she came up the stairs. The reason I couldn't go down the stairs is because I'm disabled, which means I can't walk. "Thanks mum." I smiled, my mums my hero I don't know what I'd to without her, oh by the way my names Amber Riley and I'm a witch. It's weird isn't it people just think I'm ordinary, well think again because I'm far from normal. I wheeled my self into the lift so I could get downstairs for breakfast before I go to school, I go to a public school called greenwoods high, it's ok I suppose. "Mum where's breakfast." I said as I went into the kitchen, "oh it's in the fridge." She screamed from in the basement. The basements where we Keep our spell books. When I opened to fridge I could smell honey and pancakes, my favourite. After I finished my breakfast I went on my way to school, it takes five minutes to get there normally but today it took ten for some strange reason... To be continued Chapter two 3 years later I'm in hospital, well my body is anyway, in a coma. I fell out of my wheelchair down some steps. I've been in a coma for 3 years so far. My mom's worried sick, or that's what it looks like from up here. By the way I'm in limber, it's difficult to explain, so I won't at this particular time. My friends don't really care to be honest, they'd rather have gossip sessions about the new kid at school, apparently he's called Jacob Johnson or JJ for short. People don't think I'll make it but I will show them, I always show them... Too be continued...
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