Seated In Heavenly Places!! There is a place that is unknown to me A place where earthly riches have no comparison This place was not created for me based on my works or my good deeds This place wasn't manifest that man can take credit for This place is not open for bribery or vain babblings This place is not based on the color of your skin Or the dexterity of your verbiage This place is not a man-made contractual clause It can't be voted on by the majority Or vetoed by the Senate derailing wrangling This place was thought of and brought into existence Before reasoning or birthing of humanity. This place was not in accordance with earthly limitations or monarchy assumptions of transferable power This place is an ode of deep expression Entwined in the rarest of treasures.... Call Grace!! His GRACE has given to us an abundance And Looked beyond our constant companion to transgression Or vain attempts at self-righteousness and our willful wedlock to pride. Grace can't be KNOWN by any other name than THE CHRIST!! For HIS sacrifice unraveled the sphere of Satan and destroyed his defenses By setting captivity free For though we were dead in sin God gave a remedy to salvage us For He loved us I now have this right to behold the Beauty of His Glory The Magnificence of His Power The Horizontal to Vertical of His Truth The Comfort of His Spirit And the Empowerment of His Anointing All is being done That we may have access to His throne Through The Only Begotten Son. Now Get in position So you Receive your inheritance By declaring that your bonds have been broken Not tomorrow But Right now Call on your Heavenly host to War and defend you For He has prepared this place of rest for all those who PUT THEIR TRUST IN HIM Come and take your seat!!

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