übersetzen   9 Jahre

Early In The Morning!! Early In The Morning Patricia S. Miller Early in the morning Father, I will seek You I will sing of your wondrous works in all the earth Early in the morning I will lift my voice and say there is none like You Early in the morning I will extol your name and be strengthened by You For you are God alone Early in the morning I will meditate upon your word and find solace in You Yes, God early will I seek You Early in the morning I will remember your promises I will write them upon my hearts door I will love on You With a grateful heart of praise do I sing to You Yes, God early will I seek You Early in the morning I'm surrounded by You Captured by Your presence And engulfed by Your mercy Early in the morning You whisper sweet words of encouragement To assure me of Your love towards me Yes, God early will I seek You Early in the morning You commune with me You tell me that I'm more than a conqueror That I can and will win You remind me that Your love is steadfast towards me In whatever situation, I may face Early in the morning You tell me to keep my mind stayed on You And to never forget that You will always do what's best for me Even when I can't trace You Yes, God early will I seek You And I will remember Who I am in You That I am the apple of Your eye That I am chosen and favored I am the daughter of The King For Early in the morning I will seek you.

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