Dear Younger Me!! Dear Younger Me Patricia S. Miller Dear Younger me.. #life was so carelessly free #life was filled with so many possibilities So many enchanting illusions For the world was BIG and vast And you could do whatever you want Dear Younger me... You seeked adventure in being adventurous You sought for the untouchable and unthinkable You desired more than want you could handle #life was a game played by your rules alone Dear Younger me... Forbidden fruit tasted so sweet Pleasures of #life was ripe for the picking Regard for tomorrow was a fallacy an addendum you desired never to see Dear Younger me.... You cared not for your safety or the safety of others You lied and cheated with the ease of breeze You held to the highest of truths which was your OWN Your limitation had no limits You were in control.... Always! Dear Younger me... Your garden became entangled with weeds Of intriguing persuasion That came from every direction Dear Younger me... Every look and gesture created a symphony of emotions Emotions that was matched with anticipation and longings Emotions that were the perquisite for misbehaving badly For sneaking out and sneaking in In search for that ideal High to get you through the week But.... Dear Younger me.. Can I talk to you? Can I tell you the truth? Who ARE YOU?? I am OLDER YOU!! Did I tell you that your choices and decisions Affected our FUTURE? Did I tell you that engaging in heightened activities Gave me an identity crisis Did I tell you that the thought of holistic living scared me So much that I shunned it Dear Younger me... Did I tell you how much my heart became a stomping ground Beaten with countless transfers of hurt Did I tell you that doors of intimacy that shouldn't have been open had me bound. Did I tell you that togetherness was a royality that I couldn't afford Did I also tell you that intergrity became a word that betrayed me to my face? Dear Younger me.... Did I tell you that your abnormal became my normal Did I tell you that your adjacent became the greeting interval to intricate embellishments Your cascading antics left me inebriated and suicidal. Did I tell you that truth became a taboo An unspoken language That made me want to regurgitate at the proximity of its host Dear Younger me... Did I tell you that because you gave so freely That cautionary became my BEST friend Did I tell you that because of ill choices Judious advice kept me sheltered from others Dear Younger me... Because you took dazzling arrays and used them as a decoy of plot And weaponized them to fit each target That came into your sphere I had to learn how to love again To love The treasure from within Dear Younger me... Please don't think that this is a speech of fine bewilderment That's now telling on you Please don't think that I've forgotten all about you Please don't feel or think that this is a decorum allure It is simply the Truth of all that I had to go through Because of you... If you only knew... Would you have warned me somehow? Could you have left me a message in a bottle? Telling me to defer playing the role of one so defiant If you could've traveled back in time Would you've prevented me from following that dreadful delude? Dear Younger me.. In some regard I'm thankful for the role you played You see I wouldn't have ever known that by falling and falling That I could ever get back up You see I wouldn't have known that the hand Of God was always upon my #life Even when "WE" were in our mess I wouldn't have known that I am worthy of love And to be held and cherish Had I not been heart broken Dear Younger me.... There's no need to worry or be concerned For I have a brighter Present And a greater Future God came in And he... Turned my world which was upside down To now be RIGHT-side up For He alone came in and completed in me what no one else could do You see younger me... He cleansed and washed me He set me free From the dungeon "You" us in He forgave me And gave me purpose And told me I would never be KNOW by that name again And what name was that??? I'm so glad you asked!! Liar, Cheater, Promiscuous, Nothing, Deceiver. So what is your name now? I am A Daughter of the King An Heir to all that Belongs to Him A Royal Priesthood A Chosen Generation I'm the Apple of His Eyes I'm seated with Him in Heavenly Places I'm Loved by Him Dear Younger me... I'm Older Wiser, Stronger, Redefined YOU!! Your FUTURE is SECURED!!

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