Tradurre   9 anni fa

How To Say 'I Love You' Okay... Okay. Here's what I'm gonna do: I'll march right up to you and say, "Hello - I love you." Or is that too direct? Yes, I think it is, in which case I'll simply say, "I think you're just whizz!" Unless that's too weird... Who says 'whizz' anymore? (Apparently me, but no others for sure.) So now I have a problem, I'm not sure what to do: So many ways there are to say, "I love you." I don't want to sound weird, Or like I'm high on drugs; all I want to do is ask you for some hugs - well, and love, but that can just come later once I've proven how I am an expert dater. Not that I date too much, You're the only one for me! That I promise you, for my heart's been won only by yourself, There never has been any other (except one or two but that's not too many...) And now I am completely yours, so will you be mine? Oh, no, that's too cliché; I'd rather ask, 'Can I be thine?' But we're getting off track; I don't want to live a single moment longer unless you're who I'm with! (Please tell me that was better, I've few ideas left... Oh! Maybe I should ask my peers, they're bound to have advice!) ...No. No, I can't, if I don't do this myself, Go out with me you shan't... Okay... okay. Here's what I'm gonna do: Plain and simple, here it is - "I'm in love with you." There. I said it. And do you know what? I regret it not one bit. You don't feel the same, but that's okay, I just needed to get it off my chest (though now I'll move away...)

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