Because Of Easter It is nearly Easter Chocolate eggs abound Bunnies, flowers, spring A family gathering It is nearly Easter The gateway to exams Summer time is looming Daffodils blooming Some may go to church The egg hunt is calling Laughing children excitedly run Parents chat over a hot cross bun It is nearly Easter Will we see the tears of Heaven? The agony of God's own Son Dying alone for everyone? It is nearly Easter Why did Jesus have to die? Why the despair and then the joy? What does it mean to me? It is nearly Easter Not chocolate but bloody agony Betrayal, hurt, the torture of sin Which I suddenly see in the depths of me That Jesus lived, Jesus died yet rose again, Because of His awesome, incredible love for me I am forgiven, I am wanted, I am loved as a bride I'll be dancing with Him eternally BECAUSE OF EASTER.

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