Translate   8 years ago

In down town California, I was in my usually coffee shop. "What would you like, Valentine?" I got asked by the waiter at the coffee shop. I replied. " Same as always, Jack." He looked at me and smiled, which made me smile. You see there has always been this spark between me and Jack but neither of us confronted each other with it. So we would just go along with our normal day. Even though I actually had a crush on him but I didn't realized it, until my friend said something, but we aren't that far in the story yet, so I'm gonna continue. I sat at the usually table by the window ,I always sit there, I don't know why but I just like sitting there. I waited for my coffee, and looked out the window, it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, smiley faces were everywhere. Then all of the sudden I got spooked while looking out the window because Jack sat my coffee on the table loudly when I wasn't looking. "A little jumpy today?" " Haha Jack, sooo funny." He smiled and walked away. I took a sip of my coffee and looked to see what time it was, I jumped up when I saw, I was late for my first class. I saw Jack in the corner of my eye laughing, I bet he thought haha ,she is jumpy today. I sat the money for my coffee on the table and went to the counter to ask for the coffee to go. " Sure thing." Jack replied. He got it to go and I crabbed the coffee and said bye and ran out the door, most likely to get yelled at by my teacher, Mrs. Comstock. I got in my car and drove to Yale, my college, which yes I got into! I finally arrived and got out of my car and grabbed my bag and all off a sudden my bag flies open and my papers start to fly everywhere. I try to grab them but I can't grab them all at once. I then saw my homework for the class I now am super late for, blowing in the air, and I sat my other papers in my bag, and started to run after that one, but I couldn't seem to catch up to it, the wind was to strong. But then all of a sudden, Ben came out and started chasing it with me, and I said thanks. And them we tripped over each other and fell onto the ground and then we started to laugh.I looked over at him as I was laughing, ever so hard, and saw his big brown eyes glisten in the sun light, and smiled. After we finished having our laugh, he got up and put his hand out to help me up. I looked at his hand and then put mine in his, and he pulled me right up. Then it started to come back to me that I was late for my class and also I didn't have my home work and then I thought I'm gonna die, because my teacher is gonna kill me. " oh, no no no no no, that was my homework for the class I'm already late for. I'm sorry." He said with a look I didn't I didn't understand." It's ok, I'm just gonna get killed by my teacher, haha." He giggled a little and said sorry again. I said it ok again and the. I said bye and went off to my first class that I was super late for and didn't have my homework for, to get ripped apart. But for some reason I didn't feel that bad, I still felt super happy even though I knew what was gonna happen when I got into that class room. But I just kept walking with a smile on my face.

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