Wrong Place (funny joke) A British man books a plane trip to China. Monday morning he takes off. Later on he arrives in China. The man finds a hotel and unpacks. He decides to go to the cafe. He orders tea. The man finds a pleasant one person table to drink his tea. "Tea Time!" The British man shouts with glee. A Chinese man walks over to the British man and speaks English. (Which they both understand) "Hello, may I sit with you?" Asks the Chinese man. The British man says yes, how nice, and takes a drink of his tea. "Oh! How dare you!!" Said the Chinese man. "What did I do? Huh?" The British man is confused. "You cursed me! And that goes to all my other people!" Yelled the Chinese man, obviously offended. "You cursed me with your pinky!" The Chinese man screamed at the other. At that moment the British man thought, oh crap, I forgot I'm in china. Answer: British people hold their pinky finger up at tea time while holding the teacup. Pinky finger is a curse word in china (as we say) like a middle finger is in America.

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