Why Am I Here? Why am I here? We scream, we shout, We cry, we break, We lie, we hide, We're weak, we're heartless, We're bored and reckless, Stunned by our shared #life which was Snatched from our palms by something less kind. And then thrown down, Trampled Burned All by your rage. And your heartless malice. You're cold, you're wicked You're tiresome, you're shallow, You're thoughtless, you're greedy, You never cry, you never care, You're always so unaware, Of the dense, tense, sadness you put in my heart, Then pinch it and stir it. Its all a game to you isn't it? Why not push me further please? Higher and closer, right to the edge, You smile, you laugh You hold me and whisper 'I'm so sorry' But those words only apply until the next time, Perhaps you'll mean it then? Touch, hold, smell, smile, slap, You're so blind, and unkind, You say you always mean best You're deceitfully sweet, and innocent (so you appear) You're troublesome, you're empty. Sometimes I just wonder, That maybe, Just one day. You will tell me you're sorry. Maybe, you'll see the scars on my skin, And the wounds that burn deeper, And not just on the surface, Maybe you will tell me you're sorry, And maybe this time, you'll mean it.