Traducciones   10 años

Eraser head Last night I found a lady in the radiator She said we're alike, maybe I can stay forever I traced her face with razor blades to paint away The stains I made with red blues and hues The fuchsia maroon rouge, the set fuse and bruises The noose fits her neck, exit wounds are left Her words are gory this purgatory is perfect for me A search for glory has turned to mourning at night, I Listen to God when the liturgy calls She lives in the wall, I kiss her 'till the misery's gone Her ministry's all I listen to I give it my all A physical bond addicted to the skin of Allah I get lost in thought until I'm numb and feel the terror forming They get lost in thought because it's unfamiliar territory I buried warnings in Terra Firma and allegories To get to Heaven we went through hell and that's the story

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