Time Zone It is the morning of 1783. The sun has risen, and I have thus to feel it's warmth. I fold the covers back, and lumber out of bed. Dawn is too soon to wake, and I have mentioned this to ma before. Nevertheless, she will not difference her decision. It is clear she has made up her mind. I hate this farm. It is hard work, and I often wish I could break free of this place. But if I did I would have nowhere else to venture. This is home, I am needed here. It's as simple as that. Some time later, after the animals are fed, I pate for the barn. Inside, I set down the buckets of milk and pour them into labeled containers. Then, thereafter I walk to the far ends of the field. The floor is wet from rain, and dew is fresh. Berries are what I come here to gather. Their taste isn't pleasant, but their a reliable resource. Besides it's all we have at the moment. Our other crops are out of season. Back inside the house, I hear the radio. Their report is a news flash of a flood in Tennessee. Where we live. "Ma!" I find her in the chicken coop. "Dear what's wrong? You look worried." "It's coming," I mention. "What is? Brooke your not making any sense." "A flood, it's near!." I take a hold of her hand. There is one spot were we have a small chance of survival. In the cellar. I open the door and we step inside. When I close it, I can see water. That's when I notice a hole in the opening.
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Grace H.
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