Handsome Next Door "Wake up you!" I immediately spring up to see it was only my mother. I sigh and let my body fall back to the bed. "Get up! I need you to do something for me!" She slaps me on my arm. "Owww! What do you want!" I say as she opens the curtains. My eyes close shut as the light blinds me. "There's someone moving in next door. I need you to go over there and give them the food I made them downstairs." She says in a more calm voice. I ignore her as my consciousness slowly disappears. "Get up now! Hurry and get changed!" She slaps my arm again but I don't move. "I heard the people next door are quite handsome you know.." She smirks. I suddenly spring back to #life and my eyes open. My mothers smirk got bigger as she walks out. Did she say handsome? I start imagining how they would look. Hmm...Tall? Muscular? Cute? Kind? I scream excitement at myself and then get up and get ready. As I walk downstairs I smell something delicious. "Did you make this for me as breakfast?" I was getting happy. "What? No this is for the neighbours of course! Why would I make you this!" My mothers says and then turns away. My smile goes grumpy again. But what makes my smile better is that I remember the handsome people next door. This is going to be my....Er....2nd time to try talk to a guy. It's been how long?...14 years since I talked to a guy. I'm 26 now... I sigh remembering that thought. " hurry up and go before they get hungry!" She shoves me out if the house and closes the door with a slam. "Geez....Don't need to be harsh.." I walk to there house door and ring the door bell. I can hear some footsteps that makes me really nervous until the door swings open and 4 gorgeous looking young guys standing in front of me. Why can't I talk. "Er....Hello?" Says the guy standing at the front. He has a light shade of brown for his hair, he seems quite tall and his eyes are so brown. My mouths drops open and doesn't seem to close. He waits for an answer and to break the awkwardness the guy at the back pushes through. "Oh look...Its food!" He grabs the box and walks to the back. The other guys follow him and the guy closes the door. He opens it again. "Err....Thank you for the food. Bye" He shuts the door again. Woah....I have never, ever...seen someone so good looking like that before.. (I'm so sorry for not being on! Im trying to write stories while getting the chance to go on. I will try write more stories but I won't guarantee I will be able to because I have exams coming up. Bye!)
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