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TᕼE Eᒪᖴ ᑭᖇIᑎᑕEᔕᔕ (4) Chapter 4 Jasper and Lupas weren't getting along very well and it amazied me that they would work togather to help me. I looked at Jasper as he tore at his shirt. He used it to press to the biggest wounds on me. I had to ammitt that looking at Jasper's body was a bad thing. He was lean and tall, his stomoch had a a pack, which was a bonces. When he moved his mucles moved, tighten, and work hard. I could tell that he was a warrior, even though he was a Prince. His hair was a soft brown color, well it looked soft. I wanted to run my fingers throw it. Jasper looked up and his eyes were so amazing. The looked purple in this light, but when I got a better look they were green. I blushed when he smiled at me. I pulled my gaze away from him, long enough for him to press part of his shirt into a wound that was on my hip. His touch was gental but firm, his lips parted when he breathed out. "I thought it was rude to stair at people?" He asked with a smile on his lips. My breath hitched at his cockness. ' Yes, but somtimes its ok to look at a person for sometime." I said looking down at him. I laid my hand on his shoulder.He looked up at me and that smile was back. He took my hand in his and kissed it softly. I blushed at him and smiled at him. "So, all your wounds will be offically clean when Lupas gets back with the items..." His voice trailed off. He touched my cheek and rubbed it. I can't believe this. I like the Blood Elf Prince! The way he looked at me made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was the same feeling that Nicholas made me feel. I looked up in to his eyes and saw my refection in them. " You, know we could defeat the Night Elf togather. I could protect you very easily. If you let me." Jasper said to me, getting closer to me. I breathed in his scent, it was like... I don't know like something dark and dangerous. Somthing that carried mystery. I wanted a little taste of him, just a little. " You can protect me when I am fighting him, just keep the grauds off me." I said leaning in to him. He leaned forward to me, we were only inches apart, when Lupas came through the tree's with the item's. I jumped back from Jasper. He just smiled a tight smile. I heared him say somthing under his breath like: " Great timeing, wolf." I smiled at him. I went to push off the ground when the wound on my hip sent a pain up my side. My hand went to my hip and gripped it. Grrrrrrrr. I growled. "Sit down Airal, I told you the wounds would be clean not healed." Jasper said to me, pulling me back down. Lupas came round to face Jasper, he growled madly at him. " What would you have me do? Huh? Let her open her wounds and let her keep bleeding. Someone friend!" He yelled at Lupas. Lupas flinched at the anger following of Jasper. " Come on, guys stop." I said to them. They just kept starring at eachother. I shook my head and at them. They were being babies. My stomch growled at me. I laughed at myself, that got the boys atticent. " What, its late and I am hungry. I can't get meat for the night. And before you say anything we are going to have to camp here for the night." I told them. They looked back at me and I sat with my hand on my hip. " I'll get the food." Jasper said, but Lupas growled at him. Lupas, went back into the woods and disappered. I sighed under my breath. " Wow! He really hates me." Jasper said laughing. " He just doesn't won't me to get hurt anymore then I already have." I said, looking down at my hands. I could remember, the night Nicholas saved me. His last words were: " I love you My Arial ! Find love again." He had kissed me for the last time but I cried that whole night. Jasper came over to me and put both of his hands on my face. He pulled it up so I could look at him in the eyes. I look up and his eyes, they were a soft green color. I could look into them forever. Jasper's breath was warm on my cheek. His lips were only inches from mine, all I had to do was lean forward, but it was like he could read my thoughts. Jasper closed the last couple of inches between us. His lips were so soft, at first he acted like he was testing me for my reaction, but I lean in deeper into him. I want to taste him so much. His lips tasted like sweet necktor to me. His hand came up to nape of my neck and pulled me closer to him. His mouth opened mine benith his, his lips were wicked against mine. I put my arms around his neck and lenth the kiss . The his kiss was full of hunger and longing. I gasped and his lips moved down my neck, my breath hitched in my throat. " Jasper." I wished. Jasper's hand pulled me closer to him. Our bodies were touching, I could feel the warmth of his chest against mine. The kisses was hot, longing,hungery, and the most passion. I pulled back to look at him, his eyes as I looked in to them, they held me. I could see he wanted me, like now. Our breaths were coming fast and heavy. Thats when I looked down adn saw he was paler. He lost alot of blood. I could tell just by the look of his arm. " Fuck! I am so sorry Jasper. Your arm... its horriable looking. You idiot, why did you have to be reckless and get yourself hurt!" I asked him in a whisper. " It's not that bad, really. I can't even feel it. Really." He said with a smile. His smile made my heart beat a little faster. I smiled back, but it didn't reach my eyes. He was bleeding really bad. I had to do somthing, or he would die from blood lose. " Take your shirt off and give it to me." I told him holding my hand out for him. He smiled again, then he pulled his shirt off. I gasphed! His body was amazing, his stomch had a tan line across it. His shoulder's mucles felxed uncontroably trying to pump blood to his arms, tears prickled at the sides of my eyes. He look up and touched my cheek. His touch was soft as a feather. Thats when I was him bring his right finger back to his mouth .He had wiped way the tear that lecked out of my left eye. " Hey, no cring. Its not like I'm dead." That word dead made me cring back slightly, Jasper must have seen my flinched, because he looked away. I tour his shirt in half and squzied the blackberries on to his wound. He pulled away in pain, but I held on firmly. He made me sit through the pain of him cleaning my wounds, so now he was going to do the same. I took the oak bark and stripped it's skin. Doing this I got a sickening feeling in the pity of my stomch. This was because I was pulling at the #life source around me, but I kept at it. I had to take care of Jasper, I just had to. I used the bark to help stop the bleeding. The oil's in the bark are great to help a open wound. The sap from it, if used right can help close it up. I rapped the bark around the wound, I could feel it working. This provide my nurce was right,when I was little I was able to grow a tree from a seed, in just two days. I was connected to the earth around me. If a plant die I would fill it #life source fill me, as if I was to use it for a new #life. Or if a tree was knocked down, I would fall ill, for about a week. I would grow weak, and wither, but I would be better in a week. Jasper watched me, with a twitch of his perfect lips every now and then . I couldn't help but smile at him, but even with a smile on my face I couldn't help but feel grim.

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