The One We all know that things often don’t go the way we want. People come and go. The one who has been there with you through thick and thin, seen you through your highest and lowest, laughed and cried with you. The one who you were, and still are, so immensely grateful for. The one who has -literally- kept you alive. The one who you so astutely refused to believe would depart from your #life one day, because #life would then be incomprehensible. The one who could bring a genuine smile to your face even on the hardest of days. The one you love with all your being. The one you love more than #life itself because let’s face it, what other reason is there for you to look forward to waking up the next morning? You know who I’m talking about. The one who is so vibrant in your eyes that the above description pales in comparison to the person he is. But The One is gone. It’s difficult to wrap your mind around that notion. You can’t quite believe it’s happened; you can’t quite believe that there’s no more “we”. There’s only “me” and “you”. There’s no more team, no one to fight alongside you on this journey dubbed “#life”. Even months after “we” have ended, you still can’t quite comprehend and internalize that The One is no longer part of your #life. And you know what? It’s okay. It really is. It’s okay to be filled with love for The One one moment, and be filled with anger and hatred for The One the next. It’s okay to bawl your eyes out, it’s okay to scream your anguish to the heavens. It’s okay to binge on pints of Ben & Jerry’s. It’s okay to admit that you miss The One. It’s okay to admit that you’re scared of facing a future without The One. It really is okay. It’s tough, painful, tear-filled. You will cry for months to come, you will shun away from the slightest inclination of the formation of an emotional attachment. You will grieve. You will go through a process of self-doubt and trash your self-esteem. You may believe yourself incapable of being loved. But know that you will heal. You will learn to trust others with your heart again. I’m not saying you’ll manage to push The One out of your mind forever. I’m not saying you won’t feel that twinge of pain, regret, and maybe love, when you chance upon a reminder of your past with The One; because a love that strong never truly leaves you. I’m saying you will learn to live and cope without The One. You will learn to smile again. You will learn to laugh genuinely, a true laugh that bubbles from your stomach and warms your insides. You will learn to live vicariously. You will learn to live #life to the fullest, because having hurt from love lost and picked yourself up from it can only make you stronger and more appreciative of #life. But most importantly, you will learn to be a person of your own - you will embrace yourself, flaws and cracked heart and all. I loved you. I still love you. But while loving you, I’ll love myself, and I’ll learn to love others too. Always is a long time, but I honestly do reckon I’ll love you always. Because a love that strong, just doesn’t leave you.
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