Translate   9 years ago

BANISHED!!! "BANISHED!" The Alpha Male roared, "FOREVER! NOBODY SPEAKS TO ME LIKE THAT!" I was scared, this was all my fault. If only I had realised that the meat belonged to the Lion's, none of this would ever have happened. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" The Lioness boomed, trying to defend herself. The Alpha Male scowled at her with hatred in his eyes, so scary that even the toughest of the tough couldn't withstand. "WELL HOW COME I JUST DID? GO AWAY, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" He thundered. The female turned away from him. "Come little one," she called to me, and we ran off together until we were far away from him. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean for-" I apologised. The Lioness gave me a smile, "Don't... It was my fault. And anyway, If I hadn't have spoken up you'd be in his stomach right now." Then we both sat there, neither of us saying a word. Until... "Where's your mum?" The Lioness asked me. I didn't want to say but I decided to anyway, "She's... Dead." I answered. "The Wildebeest took her, in a stampede, there was nothing left, no remains, nothing..." I sighed. "I miss her so much. It's hard to survive by myself." The Female glanced at me, "If there was nothing left then how do you know she's....gone?" I thought about that question, it wasn't hard to answer... "She can't be alive. She was taken with the Wildebeests." We sat there in silence for another couple minutes. "I'm Sheba by the way. What's your name?" She questioned. "I'm Bella." I stood up, "I'll be off then," I said, "Got to scavenge for some more meat." Sheba looked me in the eye and said the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me.........

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