Beneath the water I was just wondering and then something came to my mind why is most of the water in the world so dark. But I just carried on walking to go meet my friend jack near the lake. We got talking and he asked do I want to go for a swim but I declined because I did not have my trunks but jack went in any way. I was watching him then he went under I thought he was joking because he is like that sort of person but then I saw a fin. I thought it was a shark but then realised they do not exist around here. I saw his hand come up to the surface so I ran into the water fully clothed with a sharp stick in my right hand I thought he would put up a fight till I realised I was swimming in his thick red blood. I could no longer see jack beneath the water. I dived under the water following the blood till I reached a cave that is were I saw it it's yellow eyes looking straight at me I thought it was the end ...
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