My Most Sincere Thank You & Appreciation For Your Support! I would like to thank you all for your kind words, "The invisible scars of war" was the very first thing I had written in over 5 years since my return home from Iraq in 2007. As explained, I was certain that I had killed off all of my creative passion for writing and art. In those 5 years I had been through 8 different therapists & was beginning to believe that any chance of redemption for me was a lost cause. Therapist after therapist had failed to break through & I was on the verge of giving in to my pain. It wasn't until I found a therapist who handed me an outline of the "Who I was, who I am, & who I want to be!" format I used in "The invisible scars of war", asking me to do the best I could in answering these simple questions that I slowly began to find my creative spirit again. When she asked me to read it aloud in a group therapy session I was absolutely terrified, it was the first time that I even remotely mentioned any of what I'd been through out loud. Writing about these things, having people actually listen & try to understand was a huge step in finding some peace. It has been a long & excruciating journey at times but knowing that people like all of you are listening has been an incredibly healing experience for me & I can't thank you enough for your support! Semper Fi, Sgt Miller (USMC Retired) @sjw @TaintedTulip @spearman @marjams @glen @wolfie @Stonker @TaintedTulip @TigerLover @leelee101 @sammielee46 @alienize96 @JuliusWade @TheGeminiProject @Natashou @MarineMom @irishman @JacquixSlade @chillipepper19 @abbythemudkip @Honza @stanceytee @afterthought21 @wormwood1960 @lynnlilly21 @anonymouskayla @xXAngelTearzXx
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Sgt Miller
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