Translate   9 years ago

Not a Magician I don't understand people - AT ALL. They're bipolar. I mean I get that I'm just as human as any person should be but I'm confused about others. They say I talk to much and I tried to change that by being silent for a couple of days... and the same people that told me to be less talkative told me that I wasn't talking enough. I'm not sure what they were expecting.. Were they expecting me to raise my hand everytime I wanted to speak or walk around and put duck tape on my mouth when I thought I've talked to much. It'd be really awkward if that's actually what they were expecting - which I'm praying they weren't cause then I'd advise them to check themselves into a mental institute. But all seriousness though, everyone needs to figure out what they want from me. I'm not a magician, and even if I were one I'd probably be terrible at it. e.j.

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