Tradurre   10 anni fa

1899-12-30 0360 36am is when i got the call i knew right away when you said its Bob mc Mr.B, I hung up the phone hysterically, You were my mentor my idol the reason i picked up the pen n pad to write when I'm confused, happy or mad, at least i still have your voice slaying the beat lyrically on the track insanely concord rap in every way had a new song every day it was crazy the fucking beast you were n still are to me truly it was you n me against everybody i cant believe your gone, a perfect soul to waist if i could somehow i would chase after you bring you back home tell the grim reaper to leave you the fuck alone, the only person i could trust n trusted me how could you pull the fucking plug on your own fucking son, my best friend ride or die till the motherfucking end there was a chance he could of awoken from the comma he got from the fucking cowards who beat him in the shop he happen to walk into as they were sticking it up " WTF " why wouldn't they let him run let him live for his wife n kids who depend on him ahhhhhh!!!!!! Where was I!!! Where was I!!!, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me most if i was there it would of gone down differently becausee it would of been me taking the beating ending up with the comma and you would still be alive today with you beautiful family, i think about that shit fucking constantly I wish I could give you my #life, save you like you saved me when i needed to be, i fucking miss you n everything we used to do, if only the world got to know you there isnt a day that goes by I don't look up into the sky say hi every morning n goodnight every time before i go to sleep end my day with rest in peace homie

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