Translate   9 years ago

Maybe Today Or Tomorrow Maybe not today or tomorrow, but Someday, one day we will meet again friends at first lovers till the end. i never felt so close to another's soul, puppy love I'm told, fuck that I'm too old for that shit first time i looked at female n didn't see a bitch i saw a beautiful, hazel eyed tan skin woman, couldn't hold my tongue back took the risk that your boyfriend might kick my ass or try at least, it needed to be released or it would of just kept playing in my head so i walked up to you n i said" i don't care if you man beats me till I'm dead but look your perfect in every way please let me take you out show you what #life is all about " just as she started walking away she turned around n began to say Maybe not today or tomorrow but someday, one dayy we will meet again friends at first lovers till the end, We randomly ran into each other on the street you were the first to say hi i was so fucking surprised, we started to walk n talk around the trails all over the park till it was dark, connected all night underneath the dim mood setting lights, the love it felt like a disease taking over me completely from head to feet like we were fucking meant to be, but it was getting late n just before you leave you whisper to me Maybe not today or tomorrow but someday, one day we will meet again, friends at first lovers till the end I had to leave back to Jersey summer was over so was my Fantasy of you n me i had to realize what would she what with a guy like me a fucking loser n always will be, fuck it I'm used to being lonely feeling like nobody is placed on this earth for me, its like I'm slipping away into a state i cant escape pulling me down beneath the ground for the longest time now when i was wit you that feeling evaporated as we escalated, knew not to get my hopes up, fuck it i give in to the #depression n snap because love will never attach to me Mentally or physically so when I first got home i walked into my bathroom wanting to end my #life i look down pressed the blade Firmly Acrosss my wrist ready to slit n I don't believee what I see its enough for me to throw the knife a way n live for another day because she written on me in black sharpie Maybe not today or tomorrow but someday, one day we will meet again, friends at first lovers till the end

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