Translate   9 years ago

the first weekend so my last post was quite deep so i thought this one i better cheer up otherwise you might get the wrong impression of me. as i write this its been exactly a week back at uni which has actually been really eventful; I've eaten healthy, read and done my work. until Friday night. i guess i should have expected it with chlo and mo coming down. chlo (chloe) is one of my closest friends, we don't speak all the time but when we do its like no time has passed, mo (Victoria tigermo) is a new friend from the start of last year academically i like her and all but it can feel like shes just using chlo and i. so the night before they arrived erica and emma told us they would be going home that weekend. yes, thats right they were going to go home after not even 5 days at chesil. so rosie and i made a list of 40 things to do over the weekend as we didn't just want to be lazy and do nothing. we chloe and mo finally made it here on the friday night we informed them and the remaining chesil girls of the list and how we had to complete it or at least most of it. GAME ON! the drinking ones were easy as were a few others and we got them done before we even got out. once we were out we knew it was time for number 8, meaves challenge of making out with 10 boys over both nights. rosie recently single would need help but so would the rest of us the most we normally would do it 3 in one night and thats a impressive night out. we got in and it was so easy with chlo as a wingman. we got to 7 before we left the club at 3.30. it felt so good and bad. i wanted more. so Saturday night chloe convinced herself to stay another night so she could help finish the rest of the challenges. we started with number 3, 100 shots in 1hour. cider shots of course. paro by 40 and couldn't do any more at 50. we went out. hannah had to make out with 9 boys to make the challenge, they said it couldn't be done but we did. we all got over 11 and it felt good. it felt slutty. but why, i was only kissing them its not like i was taking any of them home. the first weekend was better than freshers, i felt like myself. i didn't need to worry about the why would you pull that many boys? judgey attitude or the sticking to what others wanted to do. i could do what i wanted. and the weekend wasn't even boring even in the times we would just sit together it wasn't awkward or the same old chat about the same shit. i know this is going to sound terrible but i cant wait for the next weekend alone because its like a weight has been lifted and now put back on. until next time xoxo A

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