•••Fallen Angels••• "Alright boys! Let's show these people who we are!" Andy yelled out as he and the others went into the crowd. Andy Biersack, and his other Fallen ones, Jinxx, Ashley Purdy, Jake Pitts, and Cristian Coma were not like any other humans. They came from the sky. One day they all fell down, wearing all black, and black makeup. No one really knew how they came to be. How they were born. But either way, they were different. "Alright guys, let's scream! Let's shout! Because we are forever the Fallen Angels!" Andy yelled out yet again. As they went into the crowd, the looks they got were nearly unbearable, but not for them. "Who are you?? What are you??" A random teen yelled out at them. "We are the in between. Cast down as sons of war, struck to the earth like lightning." Andy explained. Everyone still looked confused. "Are you crazy or...are you aliens??" A random guy screamed in Andy's face. Jinxx laughed in the background. "You guys are a bunch of freaks!" A man and women screamed out, but that didn't bother them. "We take joy in who we are. We know our wings are flawed. You should think the same way." Ashely said. "You know what. We won't cause the pain of living out their law." Jake said. "It's like we would be bored to death in heaven, and all alone in hell. We only want to be our selves!!" Andy yelled out. "WE SCREAM! WE SHOUT! WE ARE THE FALLEN ANGELS!"

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