Translate   10 years ago

Tyco INTRODUCTION All right lets make this simple. My name is Nathan Nitz, I am 14 years old,I have black hair, dark eyes and I am the shortest in my family. I live in Borough Grounds, with my father,two dogs, an annoying cat, duck, and my sister. I don't see my father a lot, mostly do to the fact that he's always working, and also because I'm always running. I kinda cause a lot of trouble and I do mean a lot. Here every little thing we citizens do is monitored. I do mean everything, which is odd because no one every does much. Or at least I don't think so. Mostly, I feel there just watching me because it seems that every time I walk out of my house there is a Herner,our version of police, waiting for me. Well, oaky, now that you know a little about me , your probably wondering what Borough grounds look like. Am I right? Yes, well it looks like most other place yet at the same time it doesn't. Houses for instance usually have one little backyard, and an even smaller front yard. Here backyards are big enough for airboats to ride in during the Floods,I'm not joking. I've seen it happen, but I'll save that for later. Also, most neighborhoods consist of houses identical to one enough, in frame, build, color, texture, and size. My house is a simple two story house, yet from the outside it look one store. I know that sounds odd, but that's not the part Im trying to get to. My neighbor Harvey's house is a mansion. I mean an ACTUAL MANSION. It's equip with white marble cylinders, two palms trees in the front, a mini fountain that goes around the front yard, and lights for night time display. Basically it belongs in Vegas. But, that's not the weirdest part. If you were to walk into my backyard, which I recommend you NEVER do, and look at his house you'd see it looks like my house. Literally, like my house except. Down by the edge of the water, we live on a canal, there is a dock and one airboat. If your like me, who has been living here longer than Harvey ,you would know NEVER to step foot on or even get into a boat that go's down the canal. Why you ask? Simple.A, very deep canal, very filthy and B,tons of vicious gators and crocodilians. Yes, I said crocodilians. No one is fully sure how or why they're here. Just another one of the Borough Grounds mysteries. Here no one questions why or how things happen. No one asks who the mayor is, because we were all raised to not ask questions.But, he is kinda a mystery. He never does public addresses,never has a committee meeting, nothing. If someone tries to run against him for office, well actually I don't know what would happen then because people just don't do that. No one ever has. I mean there isn't any real reason to. We have freedom and I guess that's what citizens care mostly about. We can do what ever we please, when ever we please. For instance, I've never actually spent more than two minutes in a classroom. Here we don't really attend school. School buildings are there ,but education isn't really a priority. A lot of odd things happen within the buildings, and a lot of bad things happen too. Never really anything good, just odd and bad. Really, I might be wrong about that though. I may not spend much time in a classroom, but usually when I am walking around the halls it's silent. Dead silent. Yet, when you look into a classroom, no ones there. They just vanish. Again, I don't truly question it. Well, I hope I haven't creeped you out. Don't worry, its not always dead silent , sometimes its fun, noisy, or even entertaining to be here. 'Cause, like I said we have freedom, and when I say freedom I mean more freedom than anyone could ever imagine. Driving? Done it. Hitting a Herner? Done it. Climbing a building,without safety gear? Done it. Hijacked a ship? Done it. Fight a Juggi?Done it. Anything is possible here. Anything. So, now that the Intro is done, I shall tell you about my real adventures. Oh, and I'll explain what a Juggi is later. EPISODE #1: IT BEGINS I went to the parking lot for two reasons. One, to prove the legend wasn't real, and two so that I could kick Wilson's ass. It's a long story, so I'll just summarize. Wilson, dumbass, dared me to go to the parking lot across town and bark three times into a cone. I know that sounds weird but, it's because there is an old legend that says if you bark into a cone three times a gigantic dog will come out of no where and attack you. I said he was stupid and that it was just a dumb legend that only a dumbass (aka. Wilson) would believe. He responded by grabbing my shirt and lifting me up. Saying that I was a fucking coward. Then he dropped me and went over to Dely, my friend, and told her I was a fucking wimp. After that he basically yelled it at the top of his lungs. That's the A, the B is because when I got home I learned that my sister had actually been threatened my Wilson an his gang. Now, that did it. I wanted to kick is goddamn ass. No one messes with my sister. NO ONE. There, those are my reasons for being in the parking lot. The parking looked like any old parking lot except,there were only a few cars. mostly trailers, and trucks. A fence surrounds the lot, making it seem as if I was a gladiator entering the Roman Colosseum. Awaiting my chance to take on a lion. I entered, no lions, yet. I was quite certain Wilson would not show, but sadly that wasn't the case. Wilson and his gang were already waiting for me by a bright yellow cone. I slowly walked toward them. "Aw, for me how thoughtful?", I stated sarcastically,"For someone who actually believes in this bullshit legend Im surprised you actually showed". I smiled and grabbed the cone,pointed it toward his face and made one loud bark. "What the fuck are you doing!,"Wilson yelled in my face. He looked as if he had just seen the devil himself, but no,no devil. Just me. "What you wanted me to do, unless Dely and I misheard you,"I said grinning," Isn't this what you wanted? Huh, for me to bark three times into a stupid cone or are you too scared for me too continue"? He looked shocked, either shocked by the fact that I talked back to him or shocked by the fact I actually barked. It doesn't matter. He quickly regained control of himself as if my words finally got through to him. "I'm not scared you jackass. Keep barking!,"he said, I heard fear in it. Slight, but, there. I raised the cone to my lips and barked. This time a little louder, to make sure that anyone nearby would hear. Then, another bark. "I told that legend wasn't real.", I said proudly, waiting for them to start turning on Wilson. They just stared and stared. Then I had this weird feeling I was about to be hit. Like something was coming for me. I waited for the blow then,a sharp pain shot out from the top of my shoulder. I went down fast, but not before getting a glimpse of Wilson wet himself. That made me happy and I almost smiled until I heard the unmistakeable growl of a dog. A paw landed next to my face. Large,black ,yet it looked almost more like a human hand. I felt its warm breathe poor down on the hair of my neck. It made one long howl ,lowered its head and started walking very slowly toward Wilson . I yelled at him to move ,but instead he stood like a statue. I could see on his face that he was in shock. I looked desperately toward the sky, because I may hate Wilson but not enough for him to become dog chow. Then just I was about to stand up, the wolf turned away from him and chased after his friends. That's when he started to run. Dumbass. I quickly stood up and ran for the trailer. I flung the door open, entered and found myself with a group of people. An old man, random chick,random guy, and Hail Narve,one of my best friends, where there siting on a couch drinking some Pepsi. There looked comfortable. I guess they hadn't heard the howl. "What's up with you?," Hail asked. I, in a very simple way, stated that he was either deaf or stupid. Then I took a seat next to him and listened to the dog snap something. I took one glance out of the window above my hea-.__Oh,wait. I never explained how the trailer looked? Did I? Well,from the entrance(side door at front) I could see that it was a very narrow trailer. Only one window, which was at the very top of the wall on my left. Underneath that was the U shaped couch that everyone was siting on.So, it looked as if there was enough room. No cabinets,no beds, no bathroom.Okay then lets continue.__d and saw the dog,its back turned to me. Even so, I could tell he was eating something. Or should I say someone. I kept watching, kinda fascinated at how this was really happening. "How could you guys not hear me yell or the dog howl?,"I asked,"Are you guys deaf or j-". Another sharp pain hit me this time from my head. I fell,and everyone gathered around me. The last thing I saw was Hail dropping a large book onto the ground and everyone slowly moving toward me. Then I blacked out. EPISODE#2:THE SHIP I have no clue what so ever about how I came home, or who even got me home. But,still,I woke up in my bedroom,my had beating like a drum. At first I thought I had thrashed around in my sleep and banged my head against something. Then, when my dog Dodge jumped onto my bed everything came back at once. The argument, the parking lot, the cone, Wilson, and the black dog. Immediately I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. I opened the door to the garage and ran. I had no clue where I would go, or how I would get there. But, that was unimportant to me. What came back to me that I kinda wish didn't come back was ...Hail. I felt betrayed and confused as to him knocking me out. I wanted him dead. Yes,dead. I wanted to ring is neck. Yet, the more and more I pondered his death ,the more I realized that I didn't want him dead at all. I was just surprised by his actions. I stopped at the edge of the driveway and sat down. I stared across the street toward the large treehouse that was rooted in the neighbors backyard,I am across from a culdesac. The yard faces me, yet, I am not sure if its a backyard or side yard? I started to think about how he could have betrayed me and how the dog was real. Then, I feel a rush of wind pass me and saw a white blur go down the street. "Dodge!",I yelled in distress. I turned to find that I had forgotten to shut the door behind me. Now, not only was Dodge gone, but my other dog Winston was slowly walking through the door. I ran grab the door nob and shut the door right in Winston's face. She, yes she, let out a low whimper then I heard her waddle away. Then I ran quickly out the garage and toward the port.

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