On A Love Boat Part 1 His eyes were as blue as the sea His hair was as blonde as vanilla ice-cream I felt safe when his arms were around my waist His name was Luke Plus I was Emily " will you ever break away?" I said "no but if I do It's because you asked me to" replied his cool crisp and sweet voice. We were on the Cornish coast, the love coast. "I love you" he said "DINNER" called my mum "COMING" I called back I ran and tripped. My leg was very sore as Luke kissed it better. He ripped his t-shirt showing his bear chest You didn't want to look but you did Then he through me over his muscular shoulders and ran to the medical unit my mum came and saw what had happened she kissed me and left. Luckily it was only a scratch Then we headed back "Turns out if you don't have love you don't have safety" I said "And you're my love" Luke "said in his cool voice