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Warriors Of The Destiney Path A story by Maja B. Hoem | Part 1 | Sword of the Armoured Flame It was on. The tension was raising. The blood in his veins was flowing fast. He slashed his sword into the Beast he was fighting. Tears of sweat were rolig down his cheaks from his forehead. The Flames that were blazing from his sword were becoming more and more fierce. There were reflections of them in his brown - red eyes. It was like it symbolized his strength and fury. Done, finally. The beast was now laying on the ground. "Alan!", a voice in the distance was calling. "Leon.", Alan said as he turned around to see that it was him, his little brother Leon. "Practising, huh? So cool!", he said amused. "Really?", Alan answered. "Yeah! I wish I could do what you do. I can't wait until I become an Element Sword Fighter like you!", Leon said. The two brothers were on their way home. "Tomorrow is the test, isn't that right?", Leon asked, looking up at Alan who was carrying his sword with his hand. "Why are you asking so many questions? Not that is it unlike you but...", Alan said. Leon thinked. "I am just wondering. Aren't they going to test if you are worthy of becoming a great Warrior?". "That is right, my dearest little brother.", Alan answered. He suddenly became a bit thoughtful. "Well, let us not worry. Let us go back home, back with mother.", he said. Leon smiled and nodded. It was a new day. Alan opened his eyes, only to see the rising sun through his window. "The test. The one test, simply known as The Arenda.", he whispered to himself. He got up from his bed and started putting on his clothes. His armour was just nearby, beside his bed. Leon suddenly yawned. "Where are you going?", he asked Alan as he took his sword and carried it in his hand. "Training. There are about three hours until the test starts.", Alan replied. "I am going to complete some warm-up exercises.". "Hey! I want to join!". Leon threw his clothes on and joined Alan. "Good Luck with the test, Alan!", their mother called as they went off. "Done.", Alan said. "Take notes; That was a normal dragon, more known as a Dragor or a Dragorl.". Leon wrote in his notebook. He looked at the Beast that was dead, on the grass ground. A red and yellow colored dragon. "That's enough for now.", Alan said. "The test is soon. I must go.". Leon ran back home. "Good luck!", he shouted and disapeared. "Hey Alan", said one of the warriors who also were to take the Arend. "Good luck with the test. By the way; Do you know what kind of Beast we are going to slay?". Alan looked at him. "No, I'm afraid.", Alan answered. "I wish I did. It would have been helpful to know what we are up against. Though I believe that it wouldn't be much of a test if we had.". "Alright everyone! Welcome to the ultimate test, The Arend.", a man said. He was big and had armour and a big sword. "We are going to start shortly. But first; The rules. You are all allowed to use your skills and swords to fight. And this is teamwork, so it is not allowed to hurt other players. These are basic rules. You don't need to know anything else.". "Good to know.", Alan thought. "You are to slay a Haylor, level 10." All of the players gasped. "A Haylor? You are joking, right? That is way to difficult!", one shouted. Without another word, the Beast was released. There was nothing they could do but fight with all they had. The four warriors charged their swords. Player number 1, Lydia, was the element of Water. Number 2, Alina, Air element. Player Number 3, Lucas, earth. Alan made his fire sword burn. "We belong to Warrior Class Number 10 : Element Sword Fighters. We are going to slay this Beast.", he said to himself. They started siwinging their swords against the Beast. It had begun. It went fast. A little bit to fast. Alina was trying to stabb the Haylor but was stabbed herself. Alan was ready to slay the Beast. He was jumping up towards the Haylor but instead, he ended up underneath it. "Alan!", Lucas shouted. He aimed towards the Haylor. He was slamed by the Haylors arm. He landed many meters away. Lydia was at the moment unconscious. Alan was about to be crushed. He closed his eyes and used all his strength. His sword was blazing. Suddenly, there was something blue in the distance. It was coming towards the Haylor. "What the...?", Alan thought. The blue thing flew with super sonic speed past him. Alan realized something. "Wait, could it be...?". What will happen next? What was the blue thing in the distance? What will happen to Allan? Find out in Part 2! End of Part 1 meters away. Lydia was unconciess

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