The Two Worlds Chapter 2 The hid and go seek tag game "Carlie wait for me"Melody yelled with excitement as she passed Carlie."Melody you know that I am your best friend , but I can't tell you my hiding spot every tag game " Carlie yelled back to Melody as if she was going to explode of so much anger."Please Carlie help me find a good hiding spot.I promise that it will be the last time I ask for help in a tag game" Melody whispered to Carlie so that no one will know that they were cheating. "Fine , but this is the last time I let you cheat in a tag game"Carlie rolled her eyes so that only Melody could see. Both Carlie and Melody loved to hid , but the centre world was to dangerous to hid in so they had to keep it a secret. As you can probably tell , the centre world is not normal. The centre world was the best place to have war in . Every now and then people got killed. Hiding was a good way to sneak up on someone and kill them. The end of chapter two To be continue
kit kat
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