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Evangeline the First CHAPTER 1: THE BEGINNING In the town across the Aegean sea lay a little peaceful land. This land was known for the herd and goats they had there. The Queen and King were so happy they were going to have a child. King Aduro had a beard that waved by his throat and hit the first button on his coat. He had a red garment that glinted over the horizon that you could see it from Cyprus. His boots were shined coal that were just mudded up by the swamp because they were out horse riding. His face was crimson as the blank sweat jumped of his face. " has the baby arrived" he asked anxiously as he paced down the boarded wax floor with his men beside him. They shook there head in frustration. Finally the king had reached the bedroom where he was pushed out again. They would not allow the king to see the transformation. As he banged his head on the pail chocolate door a bright light shone thought the room. It was like a burst of warmness went into the King's heart. " my daughter has come". He burst open the door. There in front of him was his daughter just finishing he birthday nap. She recognised him at once and she paused but say or did nothing. CHAPTER 2: MORN-DAY The King was so happy he pranced outside of the room and went down the corridor full of his great ones. " i told you so, father!" He said cheerfully pointing the picture. The picture had a man with a neck that was almost 1cm short. It looked as if he was halved squashed by an ape. He was wearing a black robe that tightened hid neck so strongly the man's face was red. At the bottom of the picture it had 'King Victor, may he rest in peace 1953-2002'. The king as happy as a kangaroo hopped back to the room, but when he entered the room was silent. A nurse sat before the Queen checking her pulse. The old lady looked back at one of the maids then shook her head at her. She sat up on her seat in an weird position. "The Queen is dead". She took of her pulse checker put it into he white eagle feather bag and limped of down the corridor. As the maid left out crying the king's arms touched her lips. CHAPTER 3: LOCKED UP Princess Evangeline was becoming a young and free girl. She roamed the castle floors, spread out the roses into there groups and she would cry sometimes because she had never met her mother. She heard stories of how the Queen died but she never knew which one to believe. One day she went out of the castle a bit to far. She walked along the sloppy path as the sun beat down on her silky brown hair. Then there in front of her was a butterfly. She chased it far and wide and she slid and broke her arm. The king ran out with his men taking the young girl back home. " dear you almost died, so you leave me no choice" the king turned his face,looking out the window. In the distance there was a rough outline of a tower that stood in the silence. He ordered his men to go and put his daughter in that same tower and lock her in there.

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