ترجم   منذ 10 سنوات

Your Path Chapter 1 this is my #life.. here in this small dirty apartment, with this drunk sick pig boyfriend.. smoke is wandering all around the room; those rolled papers we smoke. I try so hard to remember how I got to a place like this and why. it was the worst choice I have ever made. I left my family to be with this man.. I thought we were gonna live a beautiful #life. I guess #life doesn't always go the way you want it to. he lost his job, he became a tattoo artists...... my feelings for him.. It disappeared. he is not that man he used to be anymore. he hit me .. insult me .. blame me on everything that ever happened to him, even if I am not involved. I try my best to keep him calm. " You stay out of it!! bitch you stay out of it " yelled Phil this is the path I picked when I was 18.. and now I am stuck with it at age 22 my name is Sara

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