Translate   10 years ago

Me And Dean❤️ Dean, last one didn't go up proper so I'll do it again , where to start know you four weeks now since me and you started talking my #life has got a whole lot better tbh no matter how shit I feel you always put a smile on my face I literally trust you with anything Id be lost without you tbh you honestly don't realise how much you mean to me you've helped me through so much your already there for me and I'll always be here for you no matter what me and you have been through so much together with our fights and everything and we helped eachother get through them all we always got through them and came out stronger when we had our first fight it really hit me that night of how much I actually do like you and I realised that you meant a lot to me , it upsets me sometimes when I think about you that maybe someday we won't be like this hopefully we will last though I think we will after everything were after been through we got through it all your so nice your really funny your unreal looking I literally love everything about you your voice your laugh everything , I think your coming out Saturday that should be good we'll probably end up killing eachother haahah nah we won't x but yeah I've honestly never liked a boy as much as I like you dean so yeah love you ❤️

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