One Knife Stand There was one day in the city of New Rochelle, NY that just didn't seem quite right. It rained that day, but not like any other rain. The clouds in the sky were all black, no one could even see the sky. It was down pouring no one could see the roads. The rain was so cold that when it would hit someone's skin they would instantly feel a chill. Drake Avenue was a small street, mostly dominated by teens and young adults. Apartment 2 in building 54 saw 3 couples (who all were friends) living together. There was Layne a rising rock star, and his girlfriend the beautiful Lita who was always there supporting him. Randy was one of Layne's best friends who was a graphic artist, and his girlfriend Jamie who worked at Juliano's catering business around the corner from their building. And then there's the last couple. Duff who was currently laid off, and his girlfriend Nikki who worked at Juliano's with Jamie. One Saturday night after everyone went to see Layne do a gig they were on their way back home. They were walking until Randy suddenly stopped. "What's wrong Randy?" Ask Layne "We've passed this house so many times and no one ever once thought who might have lived here." Said Randy. "No one lives there it's run down and probably haunted." "I dare you to go inside then Layne." Said Duff. "How about this, we all go in tomorrow an spend the night inside?" "I'm in." Said Randy. "Me too." Said Duff. "Ladies?" Asked Layne. "Alright I'll go." Said Lita. "Same for me." Said Jamie. "I guess I have no choice." Said Nikki. "Alright so here's the plan after dinner tomorrow night, we'll all come here with sleeping bags pillows snacks and drinks, and spend the night. If anyone leaves before the night is over they will be publicly humiliated." As Layne explained all the terms of the deal they walked home to prepare. As the morning rolled around everyone woke up, had breakfast and headed to the store for supplies. They returned with flashlights, lanterns, a bunch of snacks, and beer. They packed everything and waited. It came time for dinner everyone had spaghetti and meatballs. After they ate everyone started heading to the house with all their stuff. "Alright here we are." Layne said as they all settled into the house. "Remember no one leaves unless they wanna be publicly humiliated and no one should go around alone. If you're gonna explore make sure you're with a partner." As he said that they all prepared for the night ahead. "Alright well I'm gonna go look around, Nikki come with me." Said Duff. "Alright." And they headed upstairs to explore some of the rooms. The others stayed downstairs for a while. "You know what I wanna look around a bit too, Jamie would you come look with me?" Asked Randy. "Of course sweetie." And they headed of down the hallway to look in a couple of the downstairs rooms. That left Layne and Lita alone. "Well we might as well look around but let's make it a little more fun." Layne said, as he took a case of beer and headed upstairs. Lita followed. They walked until they found the master bedroom. "This room is fucking huge." Said Layne. "Yeah it is, why don't we make good use of it?" Asked Lita. They started kissing and getting close to having sex when something happened. "Ow!" Said Layne. "What's wrong baby?" "My head it feels like it's splitting." All of a sudden Layne's body started shaking, blood started pouring out of his mouth and nose, and his eyes started rolling. Then his body started ascending into the air. "Oh my god, HELP." Lita yelled. She ran out if the room to look for Duff, and Nikki who were on the same floor. Lita was running down the hall until she smacked right into Duff. "Woah, why you running?" Asked Duff. "Something's wrong with Layne, he said his head felt like it was splitting and then it looked like he was having a seizure and the he started to float." Said Lita trying to explain what she just saw her boyfriend go through. "Alright come on we'll go get him, come in Nikki we have to help Layne." They all ran down the hall until they reached the master bedroom. The three of them walked inside to find Layne not there. "He was just her I swear, I don't know where he could've gone." Said Lita. Right after she said that they ran downstairs. They met up with Randy and Jamie, and explained what had happened to Layne. "Nobody panic I'm sure he's ok now he probably just went to go wash up and find you guys." Said Randy. "We'll just all hang around and if we see him we'll call you guys same thing goes for you." And with that they all split up, Lita went with Duff and Nikki upstairs to look, while Randy and Jamie stayed downstairs. Randy step away for just a second to get more beer. He went to the fridge took a few out and went to walk back to Jamie. When he turned around he saw Layne standing there with piercing red eyes, and a knife in one hand. "There you are, man we've been looking all over for you." Said Randy. But Layne just stood there in silence. "Layne, buddy are you ok?" But still Layne did not answer. "I FOUND HIM!" But right before anyone could respond or find him, Layne took the knife in his hand and jammed it right through Randy's chest into his back. Randy bled out. He just layed there #lifeless and cold with the knife still drive through him. Layne pulled the knife out and disappeared. After about 20 minutes Jamie got worried and headed to the kitchen to see if she could find Randy. When she go there she was mortified. Jamie let out a blood curteling scream and everyone started running down the stairs. Duff, Nikki, and Lita ran into the kitchen to find Jamie crying over the dead body of Randy. "How did this happen?" Asked Lita. "I don't know, he said he was just getting more beer from the fridge he was taking a really long time so I went to check on him, and found him like this." Explained Jamie. "Alright well now we all need to stick together so nothing happened and no one else gets hurt. Hopefully we can find Layne too. " "Agreed, we should probably check the basement next." Said Nikki. "Good idea, come on Jamie we need to stick together." Said Lita. They all headed to the basement it was black and damp and looked really spooky. Everyone started searching a different section of the basement. Jamie was the furthest from the group she stay in one corner crying to herself while the others were looking around. All of a sudden she out of nowhere saw Layne just as Randy had before he was killed. "Layne? Layne, you gotta help Randy's been killed everyone is looking for you." Said Jamie. Layne was silent as he had been before, and he jammed his knife right into Jamie's stuck and pulled it out. She lay there bleeding out gasping for air, but no one could hear her. "Jamie? Where are you?" Lita called, and just like that Layne was gone again. Lita walked to Jamie's corner of the room and found her motionless. "HELP!" She yelled, and Duff and Nikki ran over. No one could believe what they saw. "Who is killing out friends?" Asked Duff. "You don't think it could've been Layne do you?" Nikki asked Duff. "I'd like to believe it wasn't but evidence proves it could've been." "NO! Layne wouldn't do that!" Yelled Lita. "Especially to his friends." "Let's just keep looking, and stay close." Said Duff. They walked all the way upstairs back to the master bedroom to look around again. Duff looked under the bed, Lita looked in the closet, and Nikki went to look in the bathroom. When Nikki looked in the shower Layne appeared. She was so scared when she saw him with the knife she couldn't say anything. As soon as she opened her mouth Layne stabbed her in the throat. Duff and Lita had been calling her name but didn't know why he wasn't responding until they found her body. "NO!!!!" Duff screamed. "Duff, I'm so sorry." Said Lita. "It's alright we just gotta get ourselves out of here!" They ran to the stairs and went to run down when all of a sudden Duff's head was separated from his shoulders, and standing behind him was Layne. Lita looked up as soon as she saw Duff's head roll down the stairs. "NO!!! You couldn't have done all this, you wouldn't I know you Layne!" Yelled Lita. "Your boyfriend is long gone as are all your friends that have been killed tonight and you will be next. " said a demonic voice coming from Layne's body. Lita ran for the door but it swung shut and locked itself. "You cannot escape!" Said the voice. The windows all shut tight and locked themselves. Out of nowhere the police appeared outside. This is Detective Lowe, and Officer Holmes open up or we will be forced to enter. "Well allow me to welcome our guests." Said the voice. Officer Holmes first approached the door, he walked inside and walked over to the stairs. Layne appeared right in front of him, and stabbed him in the heart. The other cop, Detective Lowe walked into the house. He saw his parter dead on the ground and couldn't believe it. "HELLO? Is anybody in here?" The detective yelled. "Get out or he'll kill you too!" Said Lita. "Get yourself out of here young lady." And with that she went out the door and waited by the cop car. Not even a few seconds later she saw Layne at the doorway put his knife through the detectives head into the door. The vision of Layne disappeared. Lita ran away and never looked back. The house had been searched but none of the body's had been found. No one knows what happened, except Lita. Lita never forgot what happened that night. A few months after when she was on the train on her way home she got a call on her phone. "Hello." Said Lita "I'm comin for you next" said the demonic voice that took over Layne on the other end of the phone. "Be prepared to join your friends very soon." The End! Or is it?

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