Traducciones   10 años

My First I miss you I miss the man you used to be The man who always smiled The man who was my first love Who seems to make me the center of his world With him I felt strong stronger then I ever was With him I learn that I do deserve love I deserve to be happy Everything in my #life was shit everyone who said they loved me turn their backs on me Punished me like i was their toy to throw around Before him I never believed I could fall Before him I had come to believe I was just a toy That I was nothing that I was here for others enjoyment The man I fell for made me love myself more then I could have imaged I believed his view of me was who I was meant to be He healed apart of my heart witch I though could never be touched I will always love him no matter who he becomes He has been the light I was searching for He is and will always be my first for everything I now know true love and I will thank him everyday for this

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