Translate   10 years ago

Dark Secrets Chapter One Eddie woke with a start as a basket ball landed on his tired face. " haha" it was Eddies brother. Trying to hold in his anger Eddie stomped into the bathroom to rub his cold sore face. Locking the rusty lock on the door he climbed into the shower. After he washed himself Eddie trotted to the door only to find that the lock was unlocked. To be honest he really didn't care , the lock had been loose for 2 years now it probably just came loose thought Eddie. Now getting changed Eddie heard the usual sound of his mother shouting " EDDIE! YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL AND I'M NOT A SLAVE SO GET DOWN HERE AND EAT YOUR BREKFAST!" Eddie sprinted down the stairs scoffed about two mouthfuls of cereal and zipped through the door....

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