Translate   10 years ago

Loneliness They come and they go. One day you live in an empty house. The next day it's full. Family, friends, laughter; happy things. Their voices bringing back old memories, and making new ones. But then they leave, and you're in an empty house again. Alone. All alone. The silence, the loneliness, the #depression that was briefly suppressed by joy, it all comes back and swallows you. Suddenly the wind outside is louder, because their voices are gone, all that's left are echo's of laughter here and there. You close your eyes, trying to find a happy moment and you cling to it with all your strength, and when you lose it and start to slip, then the next thing you know you're falling. You dig deep down inside, looking for anything that could pull you up. Sometimes it's their right away, and sometimes it's not, and you're left falling for days at a time.

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