High School CHAPTER 9 JEALOUSY Jack stood there, the awkward moment in the library had caused both children to blush madly. Diamond ran off, embarrassed. Jack couldn't stop thinking about the kiss all afternoon, even when he was at home he couldn't stop thinking about it. When he was eating tea he stared dreamily into a corner; the expression on his mums face was the is-my-son-okay-or-should-I-be-worried face and all through tea she put that face on. The next day Jack went to the park, as it was a Saturday. Diamond was there as well but Jack didn't notice. Diamond tripped and fell on some foreign boy, their faces met and it looked like they were kissing. Jack then saw Diamond and anger and jealousy coursed through his body. His heart shattered and he rode back home as fast as he could. Tears trickled down his face as he locked himself in his room. To be continued...
Clawdia Wolf
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