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Falling Evermore ##acrosticChallenge #Abyssopelagic {A} zure turns to black the deeper we descend {B} ut when we think we reach the bottom we find it's not the end {Y} ou think you're standing out from the depths of the sea {S} ometime, I hope you notice that you're invisible to me {S} oul and heart of charcoal, it's crumbling away {O} cean after ocean of the debts you're yet to pay {P} romising to hold me but you let me go {E} scaping to realms of darkness from light I'll never know {L} isten to the waves crashing onto sandy shore {A} nd discover why you're falling and still falling evermore {G} rasp what's left of your conscience before it gets too late {I} can't see you have much hope when I look upon your fate {C} reate the lies you will, but you're falling evermore © SolaIgnis35 02•11•14

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