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High School CHAPTER 8 FIRST KISS Jack went back to school, fresh and ready for a new start; although he was nervous about the fact that he could meet Diamond. Everyone seemed to have forgotten the incident and the video of the incident, which was on the featured page, now was the most unpopular video of all time. Jack enjoyed his day at school because most of the time he did tasks in a relaxed manner. At lunch he went to the library, where there was no one, except for the librarian, so Jack decided to research for his homework. As he tried to take the book on history, the book was pushed back in. Back and forth the book went until Jack used all his strength to pull it out. Diamond was trying to take the book from the other side. Jack walked around to see why the book was being pulled the other way. He saw Diamond and at once, their eyes met. Slowly they leant forward until their lips touched and gently they were pulled towards each other. Both of them had the fantasy of finding their true love and kissing them. It was like they were meant for each other. As they pulled apart Jack blushed wildly and his head was steaming hot meanwhile Diamond was rosé red which made her freckles stand out greatly. They librarian stood there, mouth open but Jack and Diamond were too busy too notice. To be continued...

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