Translate   10 years ago

Tweaker 11:30 am - I'm sitting on the couch now. I'm feeling kind of tweaky. I started out the day like that.. The three cups of coffee after didn't seem to help much. I was just trying to focus. At least there's no #depression. And at least I cleaned the kitchen. My husband and I are supposed to go out tonight. My therapist said it would probably be good for me. To get out. Do something social. My husband woke up in a good mood so he's down. I think it'll be fun. Who knows tho. 6:30 pm - so I spent most of the afternoon feeling weird and tweakish. The only times I didn't was when I left the house for mcdonalds and to pick up tony. I continued to feel tweaky when my husband got home. I could tell he wasn't in the best of moods but I knew I had to get out. So we dropped the kids off at the folks and went downtown. It took My husband a minute to loosen up but when he did it was great. Now we're back at home, without kids, and I feel a little peaceful.

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