Translate   12 years ago

Goodnight Granny The Broken Web, Part 2 Spider hurt, the pain was the first thing she was aware of, it shuddered through her body, made her twist and clench. For a long time the pain was all she knew, it burned inside her bones and hammered against her skull, she willed it desperately to die away, to lessen somehow, but it refused. Eventually she tried to open her eyes, to prise open the stubborn lids and squint through the streaming tears. She lay on the porch, the land around was shrouded in a heavy darkness, it weighed down upon her; like the pain. He could still be out there, the dark man, the fear of him filled her nostrils and mouth, bile rose in her throat and she choked, vomiting onto the dusty boards. For a moment she forgot the pain with the fear of him but then she remembered the rain and Granny, Granny shouting into it and at it, shouting for all she was worth. The dark man came with the rain and no water fell from the vast night sky, he was gone. With that realisation the pain finally started to seep away and Spider sat up against the wall of the old house and felt her eyes flutter with merciful sleep. There was much to do, but not now, not in the night, she should rest first, or so she told herself. "Goodbye Granny." She whispered as she fell back to sleep, alone, in the dark.

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