Gone 4 Skye's POV I stood shaky tied in ropes as I watched Blake run in. Why did he care is what I wondered as we made eye contact. I watched him start to pull a knife out of his pocket as the man gripping my arm tightly said, "You hurt me, I hurt the girl." I stood shaking, not knowing if I could take any more. He dragged me away as Blake stood still afraid to hit him because he didn't want to hurt me. I heard Blake yell, "I won't leave you. I will find something out." I listened to his words carefully and realized that he crew. He truly cared. He dragged me into a bedroom and a teen, about my age stood in the room shirtless. I turned away. The man put me down and said, "Here she is boss, the girl you wanted 'alone time' with. Now pay up the 500." The teen gave him 5 100 dollar bills and the man dropped me on the floor and walked out. I laid on the ground still tied up and mouth covered. The teen ripped the duck tape off my mouth and untied me. Before I could run he handcuffed my hands behind my back and my feet together and smirked. "Hello there, I'm Chase." He said, uncomfortably close to me. I then replied, "why am I here and what do you want with me." "Simple," He said, " I want alone time with you if you know what I mean. I've done a lot of research on you Skye. I've been watching you since you were 14. Now we are both 18. I can finally get what I want now." Chase said in a smug way as he pushed me into a corner of the wall. I squirmed uncomfortably. He grabbed my T-shirt and pulled it over my head as he pushed against my body. He pulled my shorts down and exposed me. I stood in a corner with my feet and hands chained with only my underwear and bra covering my body. He pushed closer to me, his nose was nearly touched mine as he put his hands around my hips and I couldn't do anything to end it. He moved in closer and forced our lips to touch, my head tilted back he was kissing me so hard, I tried to move my head but he held it firmly in place and touched his tongue with mine and finally let go and I stood shakily in a corner. I was too weak from his workers beating me. I couldn't run from what he was going to do to me.

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